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Grilled Sausage & Pineapple Skewers

(From Our March 2012 Newsletter -Grandma C. )

  • 1 or 2 pkg's Kielbasa Sausage, sliced into 1 inch slices

  • 1 1/2 cups of fresh Pineapple chunks (large chunks)

  • Green Bell Pepper (sliced into 1 inch slices (lengthwise) and halved)
Begin with sausage, placing it on the skewer lengthwise, so you'll be skewering through the skin.
Follow with a chunk of pineapple, then bell pepper.  Repeat as many times as you can, and end with a piece of sausage.
Grill on Medium heat for approx 10 minutes, then serve.
This recipe can be done with BBQ sauce or even Sweet and Sour sauce for added flavor!

  • If you're using wooden skewers, soak them first in water for a half hour or so.  This prevents the skewer from burning on the grill.

  • Use either Pork or Beef sausage but remember, Kielbasa tends to be a little greasy, so watch it on the grill!

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