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Crock Pot Corned Beef Brisket "All In One" Dinner

(From Our March 2014 Newsletter - Grandma C.)

  • 1 corned beef brisket any size, any brand

  • 1 small bag of baby red potatoes

  • 1 bag of carrots, peeled (I buy the baby carrots already prepped to save time)

  • 1 medium onion, sliced to make rings

  • 1 medium to large head of cabbage, wedged into about 8 wedges.

  • Salt and Pepper to taste
Place the brisket in the bottom of the crock pot.  Sprinkle with the seasoning packet that comes in the package.
Wash the potatoes, then place on top and around the brisket.  Add the onions, then place the carrots on top of them.
Place the cabbage wedges on the very top.  Sprinkle with Salt and Pepper.
Add 1/4 cup water to the crock pot. (This is plenty, as the meat will create it's own juice.)
Cook on High for approx. 6 hours.  Enjoy!

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