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Grilled Sweet Potato Foil Packets

(From Our July 2015 Newsletter - Grandma C.)

  • 3 or 4 sweet potatoes, cut into 1 inch cubes

  • 3 bell peppers (yellow or red) cut into 1 inch pieces

  • 1 large onion, red, cut into 1 inch cubes

  • 2-3 cups pineapple (fresh) cubed

  • butter or margarine, melted

  • brown sugar

  • salt and pepper
Use heavy duty tin foil (approximately 9 inch pieces ,each packet serves 1 person)

Spray cooking spray on the foil.  Place cubed vegetables and the pineapple in the center of the foil packet.  (Do not overfill!)

Drizzle a Tablespoon of the melted butter over each packet, sprinkle lightly with brown sugar.  Salt and pepper to taste.

Fold the foil, bringing the ends up and folding the sides in, making sure that no liquid can escape.  Just fold the ends over until the packet is sealed and compact.

Grill for approximately 30 minutes.  Serve Immediately!  This recipe will serve 5-6 people.

**Use care when opening the packets.  The contents will be steamy hot!

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