April 2012 Newsletter

What´s New at Savon

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Quote Of The Month:  Elections should be held on April 16th- the day after we pay our income taxes. That is one of the few things that might discourage politicians from being big spenders.  Thomas Sowell (1930 - Present)

Congratulations To:

C. Cabanski of Phoenix, Az  Winner of our March early payment drawing for 1 free additional year of membership.

Congratulations to our winner and thank you to everyone that entered the drawing.

Keeping Fit With Jourdin Hendershot:


Fabulous Summer Bodies!

That time of year is near!  Cookouts, swimming, bonfires and many other fun summer activities!  We all want to look good in our bathing suits, shorts and tanks, after that dreadful winter where we all pack on those extra unpleasant pounds.  Well now is the time to start getting in shape by exercising and eating healthy.

I know, I said that dreadful word EXERCISE!  When we think of this word we tend to think hard work, sweat and time consuming.  But exercise can be fun, and it can also be done doing every day normal household chores! Here are a few low intensity exercises you can do while doing things around the house:

  • Brushing your teeth:  Do squats instead of standing there.
  • Getting Dressed:  Put on music and dance while getting dressed!
  • Talking on the phone:  Do some light stretches or some lunges.
  • Commercials:  See how many jumping jacks you can do during commercials!

Here are some ideals for a more intense work such as cardio that can be done at the gym or in the comfort of your own home:
  • Bicycling:  Whether it‘s a stationary bike or normal bike go for a 30 minute bike ride!

  • Walking/jogging/running:  Whether it‘s on a treadmill or outside it's a great way to get in your cardio!  If you have a dog go outside and take it with you, it will be enjoyable for both of you!

  • Jump roping:  A very good way to get your heart beating!  30 minutes of jump roping can cut 330 calories but if you‘re a beginner start with little intervals first and work your way up to 30 minutes.
It has been drilled in our heads over and over again as to we should and should not eat!  If you are struggling with your eating habits try talking to your doctor or see a dietitian and always consult with your doctor before you began any type of new extensive workout!

If you have questions you would like to discuss with Jourdin, feel free to drop her an email by clicking here.

Grandma's Kitchen With Grandma C.:

Grandma C.

Easy All In One Skillet Meal


  • 2 cups Yukon Gold potatoes
  • 2 cups fresh snap peas
  • 1 cup fresh carrots
  • 1 (10 oz) can of condensed cream of onion soup
  • ¼ cup water
  • 2 dozen frozen meatballs
  • ¼ cup sour cream

Mix soup and water in skillet with wooden spoon, add potatoes and carrots and stir lightly.  Bring mixture to a boil then reduce heat and simmer approximately 7-8 minutes, stirring occasionally.  Add in the meatballs and simmer for an additional 7-8 minutes.  Add snap peas and simmer 5 more minutes or until all the vegetables are tender.  Stir in Sour Cream.

*Note Snap Peas tend to cook fast, so don't put them in too early!  The last 5 minutes or so will do it.

A nice touch is to throw in a tablespoon of horseradish if you like.  It adds a little extra flavor.

If you have a recipe that you would like to share with Grandma C., drop her an email by clicking here.

To Your Health: with Meri Osborne


Are You Stuck In A Slump?  Jump Start Your Brain with These Simple Tricks!

Okay, I know I promised everyone more home remedies, but I couldn‘t pass this article up!  I have actually tried some of these “tricks” and they actually work!  Whether you‘re at your three o‘clock low or just having a blah day, any of these drinks, foods or activities will help put the life back in you!  All I can say is try some of these, you‘ll be AMAZED!  Here we go:


  • Water-  It's the most important part of life, it keeps you detoxified and oxygenated, which helps your brainpower.

  • Caffeine-  Too much is bad, but just enough, some studies show, can actually be beneficial to your health, giving you a burst of energy and making it easier to focus.

  • Chai-  This tea is loaded with spices and when blended with a little milk, is a great pick-me-up!

  • Kava Kava-  It‘s known to reduce anxiety and induce brain stimulation.

  • Smoothies-  They are the latest trend and a shop can be found on any corner.  Most offer smoothies that are packed with nutrients and vitamins that your body needs to be alert.  Look for fun names such as “Ki-wake me up”!


  • Fruits & Veggies-  Most are loaded with nutrients and antioxidants.  They also help jump-start a slow metabolism, keeping you energized longer.

  • Avocado-  Contains the “good fat” that increases blood flow to your melon!

  • Curry-  Load up on this spice!  It‘s known to boost cognition, and the zingy taste will help keep you awake!

  • Cocoa-  Yes, chocolate can be GOOD for you!  Studies have proven that cocoa can boost your memory and learning abilities!

  • Cinnamon-  A natural stimulate for the brain.


  • Listen to Music-  It keeps your brain from going BLANK.

  • Doodle-  Stuck on the phone?  Losing focus in a long meeting?  Take a pen and doodle.  While it might look like you‘re not paying attention, a mindless act such as doodling actually keeps your brain in focus, making it easier to listen without spacing out.

  • Switch Hands-  Using your left dominate hand for simple things such as stapling a piece of paper or eating your lunch helps keep your mind in gear.

  • Try Aromatherapy-  If you can get away with it at your desk, go for something energizing like a eucalyptus or mint scented candle.

  • Play Games-  Doing a quick jigsaw puzzle on your break or playing a fast game of chess or memory will help keep your head out of the clouds throughout the day!  (I don‘t know about you, but I think my boss should make this one mandatory!)
This is just a peek at some of the things you can do, eat or drink to make it through a dragging day.  For more tips and tricks, read the full article 100 ways to kick start your brain.  As always, this article is not intended to be used as medical advice, if you are unsure about any of these tips, consult your doctor first.

The above health material is provided as an information service.  It should not be used for diagnostic purposes nor is it intended to take the place of the important relationship between you and your doctor.

Fun Facts:

Crazy, Zany Facts We Bet You Didn't Know

  • American car horns are in the tone of F

  • In a deck of playing cards the king of hearts is the only king without a mustache

  • If you were born with a crooked nose in ancient Rome it was considered a sign of leadership

  • The United States has never once lost a war in which mules were used

  • On average there are 178 sesame seeds on a Big Mac bun

  • Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours a day

  • Nintendo almost sold out to Atari in the early 1980's but their offer was rejected
Come back for more in next months issue!

Dental Talk - A Member Blog Forum:


Come blog with us!  Dental Talk with Savon is a fun forum to post your interesting topics!  Your comments are welcome, it‘s free to use and no membership is required.

Some of the topics include;

These are just a few of the topics.  Our blog site contains many other interesting topics.  Please join us!!

Insurance Insight: - With June Shaffer from Arizona Life Lines

Understanding Insurance Language - Part Thee Of An Eight Part Series

This is a continuation of our March 2012 series dealing with breaking down of some of the more commonly misunderstood phrases and definitions encountered in the search for adequate health coverage.  You may already be familiar with several, but please read on - some of these definitions go beyond the written word.
  • CAP:  Certain procedures have financial ceilings called "caps".  For instance, a carrier might "cap" lifetime AIDS care at $25,000, or a heart transplant at $150,000, or chiropractic care at $25 per visit and so many visits per year.  These aren't unusual caps.  But when a carrier "caps" the number of days it will cover while you're confined to a hospital for surgery, or how much per day it will contribute toward that confinement, or how much it will pay for your surgeon....watch out.  People with those kinds of plans often end up paying a third or more of the entire surgical or hospital bill out of their own pocket!

  • USUAL, CUSTOMARY, REASONABLE:  These words (or any combination thereof) mean that the carrier will honor whatever the going rate is in your geographical area for the procedure you had.  This is better, safer and more financially reassuring than a policy which "caps" every little thing.  No one likes surprises.

  • PRE-EXISTING CONDITION:  All carriers have their own detailed definition for a pre-existing condition but, in general, it is any physical or mental medical condition which manifested itself within a certain period of time prior to your application for health coverage.  If, for instance, you had a broken leg 15 years ago, this is no big deal.  But if you had artheroscopic surgery on your right knee three years ago - it is very important.  The carrier may give you an "exclusions rider" on that part of the body for a certain period of time - say, 12 or 18 months.  That means that if anything - anything - happens to that area within that period of time, regardless of the reason, the carrier is not going to be financially responsible for the medical costs.  Carriers simply do not take on existing problems, as a rule.  If you were the insurance company, would you assume risk that occurred before the applicant became your client?

    Some carriers will state that if you have received no medical attention for that condition or had no problem in the last five years (or whatever their specified time period), it's okay (so long as it isn't a potentially chronic problem, such as cancer, diabetes, cardio issues, MS, lupus, epilepsy and a host of over 100 other ailments).  Every carrier is different.

    Having a pre-existing condition does not necessarily preclude you from getting coverage - it just may limit that coverage.  A hysterectomy? If it wasn't cancerous, well - it can't grow back, so it's not generally a problem.  Diabetes? New ball game.

    The insurance company is betting it's $5M, or $10M or more, of coverage, against your $200 or $300 monthly premium that it is never going to have to pay out that kind of money in your behalf, so they have a right to know your medical background.  All of it.

    "WHAT IF I FIB?"  Don't even think about it.  There is a facility called the MIB (Medical Investigation Bureau) which has a record of every insurance claim ever filed in your behalf, by social security number.  If you say you've never been sick, and the MIB reveals something totally different, the insurance company can and will do certain things: they will deny any claims for any reason, they will cancel your policy (or reimburse you the premiums and deny it ever existed), and they could charge you with insurance fraud.  If you truly forgot that broken arm when you played football in college, don't panic: if it's not an on-going or chronic problem, it won't make an underwriter nervous.  But again - tell the complete truth as much as you remember it.  Not every carrier contributes to the MIB – but why chance it? Nothing is worse than having $45,000 worth of claims paid by a carrier only to have them, six months later, rescind your policy (and take back all the money it paid for your claims) back to the date of issue because you omitted something significant from your application, even when it had noting to do with the claims you incurred; technically, that is still “deliberate omission.”
Join us next month when we cover Covered Charges • Surgery • Preventive or Routine Care • and Riders.

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