August 2008 Newsletter

What´s New at Savon

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In every newsletter you will find a secret word or phrase.  When you locate the word or phrase, copy the entire paragraph and paste it into an email along with your Savon membership ID number and your name.

Send the email to  The emails will be printed, and the winning entry will be drawn on the 15th of the following month.  All entries must be received by the 10th of the month (i.e. July 10th for June's newsletter, etc.).  The winning entry will receive a check from Savon for $25.00.  Only one entry per family is allowed, and you may only win once per 12 months.  The secret phrase for August is "appear to be more valuable"

Quote of the month:  “Imagine a school with children that can read or write, but with teachers who cannot, and you have a metaphor of the Information Age in which we live.” - Peter Cochrane (1946 - Present)

Cohen’s Corner – Straight talk from the Doctor:
Thank-You For Asking, But Some Things Are Not Free
(Confessions of a Walkaholic)

Many of you that know I deal in finance are asking more questions about the financial situation the United States is in then dental questions.  Dentistry is one of the first things that gets squeezed out of the budget when times get tough and I have written more than once on how best to handle the dental budget.  So now I would like to talk about an idea that has worked for me during these trying times.

I am not going to give you any secret formula for making your paycheck buy twice as much as it should be buying or, how to make millions in real estate.  Financial planning is a one-on-one relationship with a financial consultant that you trust so that both of you can work together with the assets and liabilities at hand to solve your financial problems.  So thank-you for asking, but some things are not free.  What I am going to talk about this month is something that, even though we all know is good for us; few of us do it.  It is simple, takes about 30 to 45 minutes 4-5 times per week and I can tell you from personal experience, will make all the difference in the world.

Got you interested?  I‘m going to tell you in a minute but you have to promise me you will read “the rest of the story”.  OK, drum roll please: Exercise!

That‘s it and before you don‘t keep your promise, please read on because I‘m going to tell you how it helped me

  1. lose 25 pounds
  2. lower my blood pressure
  3. look better
  4. feel great about myself
  5. it also helps me mentally, spiritually, and financially
We all know that we should exercise and we all know our excuse to ourselves, “I just can‘t start today because ____________ (fill in the blank), so I will get started tomorrow”.  I am as guilty as you, but as the financial system of the United States took a turn for the worst, I decided that it was time to take a walk at night and get things sorted out in my head.  I put aside my excuses and a year ago I started walking on average 4-5 times per week for about 30-45 minutes.  I have found that it is true what the doctors say, that one of the very best things you can do for yourself is walk.

Now let me tell you about the other benefits of walking.  After a month or so of taking a walk at night, I found that I started losing weight, lowering my blood pressure, feeling great about what was happening to my body, and if that were not enough, I also found that I could think with a clear head, solve problems on the walk with greater ease than before, and now sleep better because of it.

I have become a walkaholic.  They say an addiction to anything is bad, but I am addicted to walking and I can‘t find anything bad with it.  My advice is try to walk with a spouse or friend because you will have a harder time saying no and the walk will give you time for some one-on-one talking.  It is amazing how much can get talked about and resolved on a walk.  With overweight and diabetes reaching epidemic proportions in the United States the choices are simple and the easiest and best one in my opinion is to walk.  Please, if you don‘t want to walk for yourselves, then walk for your loved one because I‘m sure they would love to have you around a lot longer then would be possible without walking.

***DISCLAIMER: Before you do any type of exercise, including walking, check with your health care provider.***

Thank-you for keeping your promise to read this whole article and keep your questions coming so that I may formulate the answers on my evening walks and continue to write Cohen‘s Corner.  Have a happy and safe August and here‘s a final hint: If you feel it‘s way too hot to walk in Phoenix, even after the sun goes down, then go to a mall and walk in the cool of the air conditioner.

Dr. Cohen

Congratulations to E. Metcalf of Scottsdale, AZ  Winner of our July drawing for an additional 1 free year of membership.

Ms. Metcalf was the winner of July's drawing for 1 year of membership for free.

Congratulations to our winner and thanks to everyone that entered the drawing.

Congratulations to T. Strongberg of Queens, N. Y.  Winner of our July Secret Word Contest

Mr. Strongberg's correct answer was drawn and a check for $25.00 was sent to him.

Make sure that you look for the secret word this month, it could be worth $25.00 to you!!

To your health:
5 things to be aware of this summer

In last months “To Your Health” article, we brushed on the subject of skin cancer and the dangers of tanning.  Skin cancer is still the #1 summer time health risk in the nation... But don‘t think your safe just because you slathered on your SPF 30 before your jog this morning. Let‘s take a look at some of the other summertime health risks and how to avoid these things happening to you or your loved ones.

  • Heat Stroke- A serious condition that happens when the body reaches extremely high temperatures. How does it happen? Being exposed to heat or the sun for long periods of time with little to no water or source of cooling. Children and elderly are particularly at risk. How to know: confusion, fast pulse, shortness of breath, stopped sweating. Avoiding heatstroke is easy as long as you take the simple precautions. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. Sit in the shade and drink lots of water. If you are involved in active sports, be sure to take plenty of rest breaks out of the sun. Always travel with plenty of water and a blanket or tarp you could use as shade if necessary.

  • Dehydration- this happens frequently in the summer time. Be sure you have enough to drink even if you are not outdoors. Be sure to watch your children closely, they don‘t always ask for water!

  • Eye Damage- UV rays can severely damage your eyes. Be sure to wear protective eyewear that FILTER OUT UV light!

  • Car accidents- Yes, it is the summer and when it‘s hot, so are tempers. People drive faster in the summer time and tend to be more impatient. Avoid car accidents by slowing down, pay attention to your surroundings and what other cars are doing, and try NOT to be on the road if you don‘t have to be (which shouldn‘t be too hard with the price of GAS!). If you‘re going on a road trip or a family vacation, plan it out before you leave so you don‘t get lost or so you don‘t have to read a map and drive. Also, for those of you who have teens who drive, keep in mind that auto accidents are the NUMBER ONE killer of teens in the US. Be sure to talk to them about the dangers of driving under the influence and the importance of defensive driving. You may even consider issuing a curfew so they‘re not on the road when the bars close. Also, try to avoid using your cell phone while driving, as this can be a distraction.

  • Drowning- Pools and lakes across the nation claim the lives of more than 3,000 people each year, most of them children. Even if your child can swim, NEVER leave them unattended! Take the precaution and use floaties even if you are with them. It only takes 3 seconds. Don‘t let your child be the next statistic.
So, here‘s to your health as well as the health of your family and friends. Take care and have a fabulous, BUT SAFE summer!

The above health material is provided as an information service.  It should not be used for diagnostic purposes nor is it intended to take the place of the important relationship between you and your doctor.

A question from a member:


My dentist told me I need to see a specialist but I don‘t see why he can‘t do the work himself?

Savon's Answer:

When a dentist refers you to a specialist, it is important that you understand that they are not doing that to intentionally inconvenience you or cost you more money.

In fact, most of the time, it‘s for your own safety and protection, as well as to insure that the work will be done properly. A lot of times your dentists office may not be equipped with the necessary tools to perform a specific procedure, and may need to refer you out. Other times, your dentist may not be comfortable enough, skill wise, to perform a specific procedure, and will need to refer you out.

Much like your general family doctor, who could probably tell you that you have a broken arm and need surgery, but would have to send you out to a surgeon to have it done. It boils down to whether you would rather have a dentist try and fail, or send you to someone who can do it right the first time. It‘s simply a risk most dentists aren‘t willing to take.

Getting a FREE dental plan with your health insurance
Don't be too quick to drop your current dental plan

With companies downsizing and thousand of people being laid off and losing their benefits, dental plans have changed from being a luxury to a necessity. With the cost of health insurance at an all time high, many people were, and are still being forced into seeking alternative coverage. Until now, that is, due to the increasing number of health insurance companies who are now offering “free” programs.

Of course it‘s going to sound appealing. Sure, your rates went up but look, now you have a “free” dental plan, a “free” vision plan, a “free” prescription plan, and the list goes on and on. But is it going to be so appealing when you try to use these benefits? Probably not. This is a new tactic insurance companies are using to try and make themselves appear to be more valuable than they actually are. They are using these “free” programs to try and offset the hike in premiums, as well as to trick you in to thinking you‘ve really got something good for the amount of money you fork out.

Here‘s what you can expect when trying to use your “free” dental plan:

  • Limited coverage

  • “Up to” amounts (i.e. up to 20% off exam)

  • Inaccurate or extremely limited provider lists

  • Fee for service for procedures not covered
The bottom line is: "TANSTAFL" (There ain‘t no such thing as FREE lunch!). Things are not always what they seem to be.

You may not have to pay a premium but you WILL pay more at the dentist office.

Dental Talk with Savon:

Come blog with us!  Dental Talk with Savon is a fun forum to post your interesting topics! Your comments are welcome, it‘s free to use and no membership is required.

Some of the topics include;

These are just a few of the topics.  Our blog site contains many other interesting topics.  Please join us!!

Straight off the press with: 

Savon Q Print

It‘s PARTY TIME at Savon Q Print and we want to celebrate with YOU!  This month only Savon Q Print is offering special discounted rates on:
  • Party Invitations
  • Wedding Announcements/Invitations
  • Party Fliers and Banners
Everything you need to get the word out about your party.  Savon Q Print also has over 250,000 clip art and pictures for you to choose from.

Don‘t Plan Your Party Without US.

Contact Clayton III (T.R.) at Savon Q Print today.
Office:  602-841-3494
Cell:  602-488-4500
Email:  Savon Q Print

Dental fun facts:

  • Paul Revere was also a dentist (aside from being a silversmith)

  • Cheddar, Swiss, and Monterey cheese can help whiten your teeth

  • William F. Semple, a dentist from Ohio, was issued the first patent for chewing gum in 1869

  • Dr. Horace Wells was the first dentist to administer Nitrous Oxide as an anesthetic in 1844

  • Early Chinese tooth-pullers used their fingers to remove compromised teeth, developing the necessary strength for these procedures by spending hours pulling nails out of blocks of wood

  • It is against the law to manufacture, import or sell gum in Singapore

  • More people use blue toothbrushes than red ones

  • A poll conducted in Michigan showed that Republicans, Protestants & women brush their teeth more often than Democrats, Catholics & men. 2% of those polled said they don't brush at all

  • In 1994 a prison inmate in West Virginia braided floss into a rope, scaled the wall and escaped
Keep an eye out for more dental fun facts next month!

School's back in session:

As you travel around you will notice that the school zone signs are back up in a number of areas.  The kids are starting to return to school and boy are the parents happy.

As you are driving to work (or wherever you go in the morning and afternoon), PLEASE REMEMBER...

We were all kids at one time and I'm sure that we didn't pay much attention to the cars zipping down the street.  The difference is, there weren't as many distractions available for the drivers as there are today.  So be aware, be careful and help the kids get to school and back safely.

In most states kids have the right of way while crossing inside the school zone, in or out of the crosswalk, with or without a crossing guard!

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