July 2008 Newsletter

What´s New at Savon

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In every newsletter you will find a secret word or phrase.  When you locate the word or phrase, copy the entire paragraph and paste it into an email along with your Savon membership ID number and your name.

Send the email to customerservice@savondentalplan.com.  The emails will be printed, and the winning entry will be drawn on the 15th of the following month.  All entries must be received by the 10th of the month (i.e. July 10th for June's newsletter, etc.).  The winning entry will receive a check from Savon for $25.00.  Only one entry per family is allowed, and you may only win once per 12 months.  The secret phrase for July is "protect yourself this summer"

Quote of the month:  "In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing." - Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919, Twenty-sixth President of the USA)

Cohen’s Corner – Straight talk from the Doctor:
Is My Dentist Speaking In A foreign Language to Me?

Many of you have written and asked what the heck is my dentist trying to tell me when he/she is using all that fancy language?  The answer to that question is as close as the tongue and lips you just had your dentist (hopefully) do a cancer exam on.

Sometimes in “the heat of the battle” of a dental office between patients arriving a little late, the dentist running a little behind, the dental representative waiting to “sell” the doctor the latest new dental device, the accountant calling to leave a message that the quarterly taxes are done and need to get into the bank tonight, the patient from yesterday‘s extraction on the phone with their “cheek” swelling, and the dental assistant needing to pick-up their child from school; the dentist sometimes will tell you what you need to take care of your oral health in dental terms and phrases that mean little, if anything to you.

In other words, you walk out of the dental operatory more confused as to what you need then you were when you went into the operatory.  At this point you need to sit down with the office treatment consultant and discuss your treatment in terms that you understand and if you don‘t understand something about your treatment, then by all means ask!!  If you can‘t get an acceptable answer to your questions you have one of two choices:

  1. Schedule another appointment with the dentist at which time you can sit face to face with him/her and get every question about your dental health and treatment answered

  2. Look for a new dentist that will answer all of your questions.
You are paying to have an exam and treatment diagnosis done and if you walk out of the office not knowing what is needed and can‘t get your questions answered, then you just paid your hard-earned money for nothing.  You can‘t make a decision about how you want to take care of your dental needs if you don‘t know what the heck is needed and why.  Yes, I‘m back from my vacation and I‘m fired up as a patient‘s advocate to get you, the patient the information you need to make a decision as to how you can best handle your dental needs.

Please keep sending in your questions and comments and together we will transverse the geographical terrain of the dental world so that you may be enlighten and can construct a path to your own dental health and well-being.

Thank-you and be careful around the water and in the summer sun.

Dr. Bruce Cohen

Congratulations to K. Calhoun of Cleveland, OH.  Winner of our June $50.00 Visa® gift card drawing

Mr. Calhoun was the winner of June's Visa® gift card drawing.  A gift card in the amount of $50.00 was mailed to him.

Again, thank you to everyone that entered the drawing.

At the suggestion of some of the members, starting with this month we will be drawing for 1 year's additional membership

Congratulations to M. Esposito of Tucson, AZ.  Winner of our June's Secret Word Contest

Ms. Esposito's correct answer was drawn and a check for $25.00 was sent to her.

Make sure that you look for the secret word this month, it could be worth $25.00 to you!!

To your health:
Protect your skin this summer

Summer is finally here and everyone‘s heading to the nearest pool, lake or beach to cool off and “catch some rays.” But while attempting to get that gorgeous summer tan, you could be giving your body something else, skin cancer…

Skin cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed types of cancer in the world, but is also one of the most preventable. Over 1 million cases of sun-caused skin cancer are diagnosed per year, and recently, it‘s become more common in younger people because they are not taking the proper precautions.

Here are some easy ways to protect yourself this summer:

  • Use sunscreen, SPF 15 or higher. Sunscreen is your best bet to preventing skin cancer and should be used any time you go outdoors.

  • Avoid exposure to midday sun. Between 10AM and 4PM are when the suns rays are brightest, thus more harmful.

  • Stay in the shade! This will help keep you cooler and reduce your risk of skin cancer. Even if you‘re in shade, you still need to wear sunscreen.

  • Watch your kids in the sun. Skin cancer and melanoma can be linked back to bad sunburns you may have had when you were a child.

  • Wear the right clothing. Wear hats and clothes that cover your skin and glasses that protect UV rays.

  • Use alternatives in place of tanning in the sun or tanning in a bed. Use sunless tanning lotions, spray tans, or tanning beds that do not give off UV rays.
These are just a few precautions to take to keep your skin beautiful. Remember, what‘s “hot” right now may not look so hot when you‘re older. Take care of your body, you only get one. Be safe this summer and watch the kids around water!

The above health material is provided as an information service.  It should not be used for diagnostic purposes nor is it intended to take the place of the important relationship between you and your doctor.

A question from a member:

My dentist charged me for a procedure that isn‘t listed on the fee schedule. Does that mean that it‘s not covered?

Savon's Answer:

Procedures not listed on the fee schedule should be done (at a general dentist only) at 50% off of the dentists usual fee. Exceptions to this rule include specialty items (i.e. implants), or any work done by a specialist. If you need assistance in determining if you got your discount, we‘re here to help. Simply call us at 1-800-809-3494 and a customer care representative will gladly assist you.

Membership cards have a new look:

As we continue our nation-wide expansion, we have been making necessary changes to meet compliance guidelines for each state.  Therefore, as a security measure, as well as to better serve you, our valued member, Savon has made some changes to the look of your membership card.

As you may have noticed, we have included your plan expiration date on your card.  The expiration date on your new card shows the month and the day in which your plan expires, followed by the year inside the box.

Other changes we have made include important disclosures pertaining to plan usage, benefits, and updated information regarding services offered. If you have any questions regarding your new card, feel free to contact us at 1-800-809-3494.

Fact or Myth: Mercury Health Risks in Amalgam Fillings (Part 2-Rebuttal):
Information source Dental-Health.com

In last month‘s newsletter, we discussed the definition of amalgam and focused primarily on the pro‘s of amalgam fillings. This month, we would like to discuss the dangers of amalgam and the possible consequences of silver fillings.

Certain studies have shown that the amount of mercury released from amalgam fillings is low, thus not harmful to humans in most cases. However, upon further research, we found other studies that support the idea that amalgam fillings can, and have been harmful to humans. According to an article we found on www.dentalhealth.com, amalgam fillings contain 50% mercury. Larger amalgam fillings can contain as much mercury as a thermometer.

Mercury, more toxic than arsenic, lead, or cadmium, affects the immune, urinary, cardiac, respiratory, and digestive systems. Mercury poisoning has been found as a possible cause in multiple sclerosis, depression, chronic fatigue, autism, and has also been linked to Alzheimer‘s Disease. Does that mean that the mercury in amalgam has caused these conditions? We don‘t know.

Here are some facts, however, that have supposedly been scientifically proven (according relfe.com that support that the Mercury in amalgam is harmful:

  •   Mercury leaves dental amalgam continuously throughout the life of the filling.

  •   Mercury vapor is absorbed at a rate of 80% through the lungs into the arterial blood.

  •   Mercury from amalgam is transported freely via the blood.

  •   Mercury rapidly depletes the immune system.

  •   After chewing, Mercury vapor will remain raised for at least another 90 minutes.
It has been scientifically proven that Mercury alone is harmful to humans. However, there are thousands of resources available that support both ideas that the mercury in amalgam is or is not dangerous. So, until science gives us a definite answer to this controversy, the answer to this question is still unknown. The bottom line is that you DO have a choice and if you feel at all threatened by your amalgam fillings, we say it‘s better to be safe than sorry.

The above health material is provided as an information service.  It should not be used for diagnostic purposes nor is it intended to take the place of the important relationship between you and your doctor.

News from Savon Q Print: New Feature

Straight Off The Press


Savon Q Print offers quality printing at special low rates to Savon members.

What do you need printed?
  • Business Cards

  • Letterhead or Envelopes

  • Brochures or Flyers

  • Black and White or Full Color
We can do it all and save you money.

Call Clayton III (T. R.) at 602-488-4500 (cell) or 602-841-3494 (office) and start saving today!!

For faster service, please fax a copy of your project to us at 602-589-0417.

What‘s new in Dental Talk with Savon:

Check out the new discussions in Savon‘s official blog, Dental Talk! Here you can find interesting and informative articles related to everything dental! Your comments are welcome and you don't have to join anything. So start blogging today!

Some of the topics on the board are:

These are just a few of the topics.  Our blog site contains many other interesting topics.  Please join us!!

Dental Fun Facts:

  • The Mexican version of the Tooth Fairy is known as the Tooth Mouse, who takes the tooth and leaves treasures in its place.

  • In the Middle Ages, people went to barbers for tooth extractions. They were called Barber-surgeons.

  • If you‘re right handed, you will chew your food on your right side. If you're left handed, you will tend to chew your food on your left side.

  • In the US, nearly 3 million miles of dental floss was purchased in 1996, enough to circle Earth nearly 120 times!

  • George Washington's dentures were made from walrus, hippopotamus, and cows' teeth, as well as elephant tusks.

  • Americans spent $21 billion on candy in 2001.

  • In 200 AD, the Romans used a mixture of bones, eggshells, oyster shells and honey to clean their teeth.

  • An average American spends 38.5 total days brushing teeth over a lifetime.

  • Dental toothpaste has been used since 500 BC in China and India.

  • Children smile about 400 times a day.

  • Women smile about 62 times a day. Men, only 8 (on average).
Keep an eye out for more next month!

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