June 2014 Newsletter

What´s New at Savon

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Quote Of The Month:  “I wonder what the blood alcohol level is of all these mosquitos that keep biting me?” (Anonymous)

Congratulations To:

H. Davis of Sun City West, AZ  Winner of our May early payment drawing for 1 free additional year of membership.

CongrAtulations to our winner and thank you to everyone that entered the drawing.

To Your Health With Jourdin Hendershot:


What Are Your Eyes Telling You about Your Health?

The eyes truly are unique; they are the only place on the body where you can see a bare nerve, a bare artery and a bare vein without doing any cutting.

The eyes are certainly portals though which you can get glimpses of certain health problems – aside from cataracts or glaucoma, that is.

Here are just some of the illnesses that can be diagnosed by examining the eyes:

Bulging eyes:  The most common cause of bulging eyes is hyperthyroidism (overactive Thyroid).  People with hyperthyrOidism may be experiencing weight loss, nervousness, and rapid heartbeat.

Gray ring around cornea:  Doctors call this ring arcus senilis – this often goes hand in hand with high cholesterol and triglycerides.

Whites of the eyes turn yellow:  "Jaundice" - A newborn who has an immature liver will develop this, along with adults who may have problems with their liver, gallbladder or bile duct. Jaundice is caused by the buildup of "bilirubin", the by-product of old red blood cells that the liver can‘t process.

Stye:  A Stye develops when an oil gland at the edge of the eye becomes infected.  If the stye has not drained by itself with in a week or keeps recurring in the same location, go get it checked out, it could be a rare form of cancer called "sebaceous gland carcinoma".

Although these are just a few examples of what your eyes could be telling you, there are tons more.

If seeing well isn‘t enough of a priority, this is a better reason to get your vision cHecked regularly, since some additional illnesses can only be seen when examining the inside of the eye, such as; diabetes, nerve damage and cardiovascular disease, just to name a few.

If you have questions you would like to discuss with Jourdin, feel free to drop her an email by clicking here.

The above health material is provided as an information service.  It should not be used for diagnostic purposes nor is it intended to take the place of the important relationship between you and your doctor.

Grandma's Kitchen With Grandma C.:

Grandma C.

One Pot Italian Dinner


  • 3-4 cups chicken broth
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 medium white onion, coarsely chopped
  • 1 cup fresh spinach, chopped
  • 1 cup fresh kale, chOpped
  • 1 can Italian style petite diced tomatoes
  • 3-4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 1 pkg fettuccine noodles
  • 1 tbsp dried basil

Ingredients Continued
  • 1 tsp parsley flakes
  • 1 tsp Italian seasoning
  • ½ tsp red pEpper flakes
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • ¼ cup Italian blend grated cheese (for garnish)
  • ¼ cup fresh Italian Parsley, chopped
In a large pot or nonstick dutch oven, combine all ingredients including fetTuccine, except for the cheese.  Cover and bring to a full boil.  (If you break the fettuccine in half it makes serving easier.)

Reduce heat to medium, remove the lid and continue to boil for 10-15 minutes or until the fettuccine is cooked through, stirring frequently.

Once it's done, there should be very little liquid left!  Serve with grated cheese and Italian parsley over the top.

Recipe serves 3-4 - Enjoy!

If you have a recipe that you would like to share with Grandma C., drop her an email by clicking here.

Keeping Fit With Clayton "TR" Parker

Clayton (TR)

Adrenaline Can Mask Dehydration!

Have you ever been working out in a gym, going at it strong, pushing and pushing yourself to push through the muscles cramping and fighting to get that last set done and then go to take a drink?  As you take a small sip you become thirstier and take a bigger drink, then next thing you know you find yourself guzzling water down.  The reason that happens is because you are dehydrated and you didn‘t know it.  Why wouldn‘t you notice that you are dehydrated?

A little thing called adrenaline.

As you are pushing yourself to limit, adrenaline will kick in, taking over and giving your body the fuel to do things that are above and beyond your sTandard limit.  However in doing so, adrenaline also hides the effects that your body is experiencing.  Whether it be exhaustion, thirst or pain, you may not notice the effect until the adrenaline bursts wears off.

This is part of the reason that people suffer from heat related illness during the hot summers.  They are out climbing a mountain, hiking a trail or going for a run and when they stop they start to feel sick or extremely thirsty.  That‘s because the adrenaline was hiding their symptoms.  They key to overcome this is to be proactive in hydrating yourself when you are working out.

Like I said in my article from July 2013, titled “Heat Related Illness”, that on a hot day “if you feel thirsty then you are already overheated”.  It is recommended by The Center For Sports Medicine that for every 15 minutes you work out that you drink 16oz of fluid.  If you adhere to these guidelines, regardless if you feel like you need a drink or not, then you greatly reduce your risk of dehydration.

Here are 5 simple signs that you either are, or are getting dehydrated:
  • Increased Heart Rate- even after you have settled down from the activity.
  • Muscle Cramps
  • You are extra thirsty
  • You urine is a dark orange color
  • You are feeling dizzy or exhausted.
If you or the person you are working out with become deHydrated.  Then you should get them or yourself to a cooler or shaded area and drink water slowly.  Seek immediate medical attention if the symptoms get worse.

Until next time, Stay Fit, Stay Strong & Stay Hydrated!

The above fitness material is provided as an information service.  Remember:  Always check with your doctor before starting any new type of excerise program.

Nominate My Dentist - Dental Center Of The Month For May 2014

Dental Center

Copper Star Dentistry

We would like to congratulate Dr. Paul Owens and the excellent staff at Copper Star Dentistry in Peoria, Arizona for achieving Dental Center of the Month for May 2014.  We will be dropping by to visit them and present their plaque and a basket of goodies this month.

This program has been designed to let you, our members, help spread the word about the caring, quality dentists that are part of our provider network.

Member partiCipation in this program is free and all we ask for is your last name and membership ID number (if you have it handy) when taking the survey.  Simply go to The Nominate My Dentist Page, fill out and submit the survey.

Say thank you to your dental office for the excellent manner in which you are treated by nomimating your dentist!

Fun Facts:

Crazy, Zany Facts We Bet You Didn't Know

  • If you toss a penny 10,000 times, it will not be heads 5,000 times, but more like 4,950.  The heads picture weighs more, so it ends up on the bottom.

  • In 1980, there was only one country in the world with no telephones - Bhutan.

  • In every episode of "Seinfeld" there is a Superman somewhere.

  • In most advertisements, including newspapers, the time displayed on a watch is 10:10.

  • In space, astronauts cannot cry, because there is no gravity, so the tears can't flow.

  • John Lennon's first girlfriend was named Thelma Pickles.

  • Mosquitoes have teeth.

  • Q is the only letter in the alphabet that does not appear in the name of any of the United States.
Come back for more in next months issue!

Dental Talk - A Member Blog Forum:


Come blog with us!  Dental Talk with Savon is a fun forum to post your interesting topics!  Your comments are welcome, it‘s free to use and no membership is required.

Some of the topics include;

These are just a few of the topics.  Our blog site contains many other interesting topics.  Please join us!!

Word Scramble Game

Let's have some fun!!

Throughout this newsletter you will find letters inside of words that are bold and capitalized.  Write these letters down and try to figure out the word we are looking for based on the clue that we have given you below.

Once you think you have the word, email our contest center with your name, membership ID number and your guess.

The winner will be drawn from all the correct entries on the 15th of each month and will be notified by email and will also revealed in the next newsletter.  The prize will be a $15.00 Starbucks gift card.

This month we are looking for a 9 letter word that spells out a dental condition.

Again, send your best guess to email our contest center.

Good Luck!

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