November & December 2007 Newsletter

What´s New at Savon

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In every newsletter you will find a secret word or phrase.  When you locate the word or phrase, copy the entire paragraph and paste it into an email along with your Savon membership ID number and your name.

Send the email to  The emails will be printed and the winning entry will be drawn on the 15th of the following month.  All entries must be received by the 10th of the month (July 10th for Junes newsletter, etc.).  The winning entry will receive a check from Savon for $25.00.  Only one entry per family is allowed and you may only win once per 12 months.  The secret phrase for November & December is "rampant decay in a baby‘s teeth"

Quote of the month:  Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree.  In the eyes of children, they are all 30 feet tall. - Larry Wilde, The Merry Book of Christmas

Cohen’s Corner – Straight talk from the Doctor:
Now I Need $10,000 Worth of Dental Work?

Many of you have been asking why in past visits to the dentist you might have needed a couple of hundred dollars worth of dentistry and last time you visited your dentist you were told you needed thousands of dollars worth of dentistry.

You have asked if your mouth could “fall apart that fast”. The answer in most cases is no.

What has happened in the field of dentistry is the same thing that has happened in all of health care as an industry.  We, as health care providers, have become better in what we can offer our patients through advanced science and better machinery .  Because of the almost daily advances in the field of science, health care providers are being given new instruments and techniques that have changed the face of almost every health care facility in the United States.

As your dentist continues to learn these new procedures and feels confident in bringing these progressive techniques to their patients, the machinery to do these new and advanced forms of health care also have to placed into the dental office.  The machinery for many of these techniques are extremely expensive.  So you say, it still doesn‘t explain why I need thousands of dollars worth of dental work.  The simple answer again is most of the time you don‘t NEED all this fancy dental work but you have an opportunity, through new scientific advancements, to be offered new types of dental treatment for ongoing and new dental situations in your mouth.

If you have been told you need many thousands of dollars worth of dental work and you thought everything was fine in your mouth then my advice is to speak up and ask the dentist exactly why you need all of this dental work.  Your elective choices in your dentist‘s office today are vastly different then the choices you had ten years ago.  This doesn‘t mean you need to have all the new and varied procedures done.  What is happening is that your dentist is constantly learning and bringing new techniques into the office and offering the ones that might better your oral health, weather they be cosmetic or disease-treating related, to you his patient.  Don‘t be offended by these new and varied opportunities offered to you by your dentist; instead, be happy that your dentist is operating an up to date dental facility to better serve his patients.

Again, ask questions about things that you don‘t understand in the dental office.  You need to be informed as to all the options you have to treat a dental condition that might exist.  Only through the dental office‘s ability to communicate to you your dental needs and the difference between your treatment that is basic to your dental health verses treatment that is optional for your cosmetic dental appearance will you be better able to decide how you spend you health care dollars.

I want to take this opportunity to thank all my loyal readers.  It has been a pleasure working with you and answering as many questions for you as I can.  As we look to the upcoming holiday season may we all hope for peace on earth and goodwill to all men and women everywhere!

Dr. Bruce M. Cohen

Congratulations to R. Dance of Orem, UT  Winner of our October T. V. Drawing

Mr. Dance was the winner of October's T. V. drawing. A new 20" television was delivered to him a couple of weeks ago.

Congratulations to E. Mullen of Tempe, AZ  Winner of our November T. V. Drawing

Ms. E. Mullen was the winner of November's T. V. drawing. A new 20" television was picked up be her last week.

Again, thank you to everyone that entered the drawing.

Congratulations to L. Bradley of Surprise, AZ  Winner of our October Secret Word Contest

Mr. Bradley's correct answer was drawn and a check for $25.00 was sent to him.

Congratulations to R. Reynolds of Tampa Bay, FL  Winner of our November Secret Word Contest

Ms. Reynolds's correct answer was drawn and a check for $25.00 was sent to her.

Make sure that you look for the secret word this month, it could be worth $25.00 to you!!

Savon‘s first Inaugural Charity Golf Classic raises $1,900 for United Cerebral Palsy!

Thank you to all of our participants, volunteers, sponsors, and donators! The turn out was GREAT and we all had a BLAST!

The grand total we raised for UCP was $1900!

Congratulations to the following people:

  1. Fox Team for coming in 1st Place in the tournament,
  2. Ed Wieczkiewicz who won the Closest to the Pin contest,
  3. Mark Emery who won the Longest Playable Drive contest,
  4. and the Ericson Team for coming in last in the tournament!
Also, thank you to everyone who participated in the raffle and congratulations to the winners, we hope you enjoy your prizes!

Thank you all for your participation and we hope you‘ll come back and play next year!

We would like to extend a special thanks to professional golfer Dave Swartz who was extremely instrumental in just about every aspect of this tournament! We don‘t know what we would have done without you!!

Also, thank you to Coyote Lakes Golf Club who‘s staff was extremely helpful and accommodating to the players and the volunteers!

As most of you know, this was Savon‘s first charity golf event.  Overall, we are more than satisfied with the outcome of the event but would love to have your thoughts, concerns, and suggestions to help us make this bigger and better for next year!  If you would like to voice your opinions, we will graciously accept them.  Please email (), or you can call her at 1-800-809-3494!

Thank you, again, and GOOD JOB to everyone who participated in our event! We hope you had fun and will join us again next year!!

A question from a member:
Specialists fees do not match my fee schedule:

A member from Tucson, Az writes:  "I was referred to a specialist by my general dentist, but I their fees do not seem to match your fee schedule. Was I over charged?"

Savon's reply:

If you encounter this problem, the first thing you need to do is CALL US and make sure that the specialist takes Savon.

Some providers refer out to specific places that do not take Savon.  This is why you do not need a referral to see a Savon specialist.  Simply call us with the name or address of the specialist in question.  If they are not on the plan, we will send you to someone that is.

Secondly, specialists under Savon are not bound to our fee schedule.  They offer 25% off of their usual and customary fee. BE CAREFUL! - Some general dentist offices have participating specialist on-site.  While this is beneficial to some people, it can be a problem for others, which is all the more reason to call Savon if you ever get referred out.

To your health :
Secrets of the perfect set of teeth:

ACCORDING to an old wives’ tale women should expect to lose a tooth with each child - and not so long ago that belief was well rooted in reality. But today, with careful management, Dr Jacinta Yeo of the British Dental Association says most of us should be able to avoid losing our teeth. So what steps can you take to ensure that you keep your teeth in top condition? Here, ANGELA BROOKS presents the essential cradle to grave guide.

Ages 0 To 10

STUDIES have shown that if we have tooth decay as babies, then we are more likely to get decay in our permanent teeth.

Apart from their food-processing function, bay teeth are important as space maintainers so that permanent teeth have a space to slot into. If these teeth are lost early through decay, the space may not be saved, so permanent teeth can drift - a problem more likely to lead to a need for braces later.

Dental hygiene should begin with newborns. Bacteria should be removed by wrapping a piece of gauze around your finger and gently wiping the baby’s gum pads.

Baby toothbrushes with soft heads should be introduced as soon as teeth come through, along with specially formulated children’s toothpaste. These contain the optimal dose fluoride for youngsters.

In order to break down sugars, the ph in our mouth changes from neutral to acidic - and it is this acidic saliva which attacks teeth. As a result, a baby’s sugar intake should be monitored, bearing in mind that even health foods, such as milk and fruit, contain sugars.

Nursing Bottle Syndrome - a condition which causes rampant decay in a baby’s teeth - can occur from six months, and constant sweetened drinks are often blamed.

Studies have shown that 50 pc of five and six-year-olds in the UK have erosion of their front milk teeth - a condition causing pain and sensitivity. At around the age of six, the first molar teeth start to appear. These can be sealed with a plastic coating, known as fissure sealant, to prevent decay.

Ages 10 To 20

SOME children - particularly those who have inherited weaker teeth or have slightly overlapping teeth, which make thorough cleaning tricky - may benefit from fluoride supplements. Your dentist will advise you.

Flossing becomes more important now, because permanent teeth have come in and they will be closer together. This is the age when orthodontic problems start.

Treatment on the NHS will usually begin at the age of 13 when there are sufficient teeth. If you are concerned about your child’s teeth, discuss it with your dentist so treatment with an orthodontist can begin at the optimum age.

Wisdom teeth can start to become a problem at the age of about 18. They may become impacted if space in the mouth is scarce. If this is the case, they will need to be removed. Some dentists will also remove wisdom teeth if a child has had braces removed - because they feel that the new teeth might derail the work, which has been carried out.

Other dentists may prefer to remove them because access for cleaning is difficult, making them more susceptible to decay.

Ages 20 To 30

MANY years of exposure to fluoride will have hardened the enamel of the teeth so that tooth decay is less of a problem, but particular attention should be paid to gums.

Gingivitis, a condition caused by inflammation of the gums as a result of plaque around the necks of the teeth, can become a problem. Bleeding gums, particularly on brushing, is a common sign.

The problem is reversible, however. Once a dentist has tackled tartar build-up, treatment is simply a scrupulous cleaning regime.

Evidence suggests that hormonal changes affect gum health. In pregnancy, women – particularly those with pre-existing gum problems - need to take special care of their teeth. Studies indicate that an increase in hormones makes the blood supply to the gums more fragile and more prone to bleeding as a result.

Ages 30 To 40

AS WE get older, our teeth become more yellow and stain more easily. The white enamel, which covers the bulk of the inner tooth - known dentine - simply wears away with time, making teeth more susceptible to staining from certain foods, tea, coffee and red wine.

Aggressive brushing may even hasten enamel loss. Avoid excess force, and make sure that all surfaces are carefully brushed twice a day, an exercise that should take about two minutes. Toothbrushes really need to be changed every two or three months.

If left untreated, gingivitis can progress to a still more serious condition known as periodontitis, where the membrane securing the tooth to the bone is damaged, causing the tooth to loosen.

TOOTH restorations crowns or bridges - may be past there sell-by date by now and may need to be replaced. Signs to watch for include strange tastes leeching into the mouth, loose crowns or chipping.

Bad breath can increase as you get older. Apart from tooth decay, this may be caused by drug therapy or radiotherapy, which causes mouth dryness.

Saliva helps keep bacteria in the mouth under control. Your GP or dentist may recommend a saliva substitute containing chlorhexidine - a chemical which stops bacteria sticking to the teeth. Saliva stimulants such as lemon juice and water may also help.

Ages 40 To 50

ORAL cancer is something dentists cheek for in the over-40s. Associated with smoking and drinking, oral cancer is twice as common in men and could feel like ulcer which does not heal or could be painless.

Teeth grinding may become a problem. Stress will not cause it but may be a contributing factor. Dentists can make a plastic night-guard to prevent grinders from damaging their teeth.

Changes in hormones can play havoc with gums in particular, and any unusual bleeding, or sensitivity, should be investigated.

Try cheese instead of puddings to finish a meal. The fat in the cheese neutralizes the saliva and also contains the protein caesin which combines with calcium and phosphates in the cheese to help re-mineralize the teeth - a safeguard for enamel.

 Ages 50 – Plus

GUM disease and sensitivity is the major problem in your 50s. Tooth enamel will be thinner, so gentle but thorough brushing with a soft brush and a toothpaste for sensitive teeth can help.

In later years, tooth decay replaces gum disease as the biggest threat. This is probably, caused by a reduction in saliva flow as we age, but can also be caused by drug therapies and less effective brushing as we become less dextrous.

A mouth spray, such as Janina Oral Cosmetique, which coats the enamel with a cocktail of agents to help dislodge stains, while protecting them from bacteria and disease, may be useful.

London Daily Mail, October 5, 1999
Good Health / Research

Marketing 2007:

2007 has brought on a lot of challenges for the marketing department. But we‘ve met each challenge head-to-head and while we haven‘t reached our full potential, the light at the end of the tunnel is getting bigger and bigger.

This year Savon hit the internet hard using top named search engines such as Google and Yahoo! as our main portal to our market.  The response has been more than satisfactory and our internet sales are definitely rising.  But throwing out a well-written ad on the internet is commonly mistaken as the only key to successful marketing.  I was guilty of that assumption myself. But this year I learned that all a good ad does is lead the consumer your specific product or service.  I‘ve often found myself asking, well, what next? I learned that if you are going to have a well-written ad, you need to have a well-written website as well as an outstanding product to back the ad up (lucky for us, we do).  I learned that relevancy is KEY to the success of your ad, and controlling what that ad is going to say to a person and where it‘s going to lead them is crucial!

I have a poster in my office that someone gave to me fairly recently. It says "On Marketing- I have not failed. I‘ve just found 10,000 ads that don‘t work!"  I read this poster every day as a constant reminder that marketing isn‘t something you do for an hour every morning and then move on to your other daily tasks.  It‘s on-going, 24/7. When you stop, your ads don‘t.  That was my biggest lesson in marketing this year.  It‘s an interesting and challenging field to be in, but it is, for sure, anything BUT boring!

Keep an eye out for our 2008 ads and let us know what you think!

Happy Holidays!

From Provider Relations

This has been a banner year for Savon in a number of ways!  We have seen extraordinary growth in new member sales overall, and we have begun to accelerate our growth in other states.  We are constantly adding new providers and centers.  Most recently we have added several providers in the Dayton, Ohio area and are currently working on the Florida market.

Be sure to check our website periodically for the updated listings!

Additionally, anyone who knows of a provider that you think may be interested in joining Savon Dental Plan is welcome to call us with the information.  Please be sure to include the name of the facility, their address, city, state, zip code and a phone number and we will be happy to contact them for you.

As our year is winding down we would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you for your continued support.  We are committed to Customer Satisfaction and any and all questions and comments are welcome.

Wishing you all a happy and safe holiday season,
The Provider Relations Department

From your Customer Service Department:

With the holiday season upon us and the year coming to a fast close, we would like to thank all of our members for their support and loyalty not only this year but for the past 17 years.  Our commitment to our members is vital to our success and it is a duty that we take very serious.  Every member deserves, and receives, our personal attention to every question or concern that they have.

If you have a question, no matter how trivial you may think it is, PLEASE call or email us and let us set your mind at ease.  Our job did not stop when you joined Savon, it just started and we are always at your service.

Our holiday hours are as follows:

  1. Mon, December 24 - Closed at noon
  2. Tues, December 25 - Closed all day
  3. Wed, December 26 - Closed all day
  4. Mon, December 31 - Closed at noon
  5. Tues, January 01 - Closed all day
Many of our dental offices with have similar hours.  Please make sure that you check with your dental office early and know what their holiday hours are.

Have a safe, wonderful and relaxing holidays,
Your Customer Service Team

Business partner of the month:

Lakeside Restaurant and Cantina

Looking for that special gift for that hard to by for person?  Maybe you just want a place to get away and relax for a little while.

Lakeside Restaurant & Cantina at Canyon Lake Arizona is the ultimate destination for everyone.  Serving lunch 7 days a week, breakfast on Saturday and Sundays, and dinner on Friday, Saturday and Sunday; Lakeside Restaurant has it all.  From great Daily Specials and Mexican omelets to fantastic burgers, salads, sandwiches and seafood, there is an entree that will please your palette.

This is truly a nice place to getaway from the city and enjoy casual dining with an elegant view.

Happy holidays from Clay Parker, CEO

WOW!!  It seems like just yesterday I was sitting here trying to decide what message I would like to convey for the end of the year.  That was last year.  My, My, My, where did 2007 go?

So much has happened, so fast, that the hours just melted into days, into weeks, into months and finally into a whole year.  If you are anything like me, there were many projects that needed to be done and most of them still aren't finished.  It seems like just a couple of years ago (actually it was 2003), that my wife and I remodeled our kitchen.  The final trim around the cabinets needed to be done and I told her I would do it in the fall.  Well it finally got done, this fall.  It just seems that as a kid I couldn't wait until I was grown up.  Now I wish time would slow down and let me be a kid again.

Putting 2007 into perspective, a lot of great things have happened with your dental plan.  Your plan is now good in 18 states and that's with Network Preferred Providers.  Most of you have received the discount prescription card and I see that many of you are utilizing the eye care plan that comes with the Savon Plus Plan.  We are adding new businesses to our business partners page.  This page contains links to businesses that are members of Savon.  They are good companies and we are proud to advertise their services to our membership.

As we close out 2007, lets take a minute or two to reflect on the good things that have happened this year.  Almost all of us will celebrate this holiday season in one way or another.  It doesn't matter what religion you are, or even if you are not religious, we all know that this is a special time of the year.  For most of us it is a time for religious celebration, for some a time of reflection and for a few, a time of frustration.  Whatever your particular case may be, I want to wish each and every one of you a happy and safe holiday season.  For those of you that believe the way I do, Merry Christmas and happy New Year.


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