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October 2021 Newsletter
What´s New at Savon
Quote Of The Month: “I have wondered at times what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the US Congress.” (Ronald Reagan - U.S. President, Actor - 1911-2004)
Congratulations To:
R. Johnson of Goodyear, Arizona and P.J. Woods of Sun City, Arizona Winners of our September early payment drawings for 1 free additional year of membership.
Congratulations to our winners and thank you to everyone that entered the drawing.
To Your Health With Jourdin Hendershot:
Family Medical Tree?
I’m sure growing up you have heard “you have your father’s eyes” or “you look exactly like your mother” but has anyone ever said, “you look like you share your parent’s diabetes?” Most likely not.
Most of us know that we inherit physical features from our family but you can also inherit many medical problems too. This is why it is super important to have a family medical tree. Having this will help you become aware of any problems that may occur down the road and help you decide treatment options.
If you are unaware of what a family medical tree is, it’s basically a family tree that displays recorded illnesses and medical conditions for each family member from as far back as you can go, right up to the present.
For many years scientists have been discovering more about how genes play a role in a person’s health. Genes are the blueprint of a person’s body. Everyone receives half of their genes from their mother and the other half from their father. Any defects within a gene can be passed down from generation to generation.
If you are interested in making a family medical tree, the first step is to make a list of family members from whom you need information. Start by listing your immediate family first, which should include grandparents, parents, siblings, aunts/uncles and cousins. Once you have these, try to go back as far as you can and include older generations.
Once you have a list compiled, set up a time to interview the people on your list. If a person has passed away, try to find out as much information as you can from other relatives.
During the interview, it’s important to ask the “Five W’s:”
- Who – Get a full name, birth date, and how many children they have.
- What – What conditions does (or did) the person have?
- Where – Where was the person born? If necessary, ask where, when, and how the person passed away.
- When – How old the person was when they were diagnosed.
- Why and How – What type of lifestyle does the person live? Do they smoke? Exercise? Or drink? Then make sure to ask for any other information that you think could be beneficial to your research.
Next, make the family tree!
After the family tree is made, take a look at any patterns. For example, if you notice high blood pressure or diabetes it may be time to talk with your primary care physician so you can create a prevention plan.
This information is not to scare you. It’s intended to be an eye–opener!
If you have questions you would like to discuss with Jourdin, feel free to drop her an email by clicking here.
The above health material is provided as an information service. It should not be used for diagnostic purposes nor is it intended to take the place of the important relationship between you and your doctor.
Grandma´s Kitchen With Grandma C.:
Keto Egg Loaf
- 8 eggs
- 8 oz cream cheese
- 4 oz butter
- 2–3 TBSP coconut flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
Preheat oven to 350 degrees and generously grease a loaf pan.
In a medium mixing bowl, melt the cream cheese with 4 oz butter in a microwave for 1 minute.
Blend in eggs, then mix in coconut flour and baking powder, stir until well mixed.
Bake for 30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean when tested.
Let it sit for 5 minutes before slicing into approximately 10-12 slices.
Once the bread is cooled and sliced it can be toasted or fried like French toast in a pan and drenched in sugar free syrup, whipped cream or butter! Or, you can simply sprinkle it with sugar free sweetener and cinnamon.
This is the ultimate comfort food breakfast!
Enjoy! And remember, if it looks and smells good, eat it!!
If you have a recipe that you would like to share with Grandma C., drop her an email by clicking here.
BrightNow!® Dental – Mesa/Greenfield |
Our spotlight for October goes to the city of Mesa, Arizona and shines on BrightNow!® Dental – Mesa/Greenfield
“Our goal is to provide you and your family healthy, safe smiles. With our Smile Safely Program you can rest assured that we’re taking extraordinary measures to ensure you and your family’s safety and the safety of our teams.”
Our members have told us that the entire staff at this office makes them feel like they are wanted there. “They took the time to listen to what I had to say and do their best to address all of my concerns before starting any procedures. I would definitely recommend this center!”
The practice is located at 1762 S. Greenfield, Mesa Arizona 85206. The phone number is (480)633–7771. We also invite you to visit them on the web.
Say thank you to your dental office for the excellent manner in which you are treated by nominating your dentist!
Fun Facts:
Crazy, Zany Facts We Bet You Didn´t Know
- Jupiter is twice as large as all the other planets combined.
- Toy Story helped sell the Etch–a–Sketch.
- Mulan has the highest kill–count of any Disney character.
- 3.6 cans of Spam are consumed each second.
- Al Capone’s business card said he was a used furniture dealer.
- Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.
- Riding roller coasters can help you pass kidney stones.
Come back for more in next months issue!
Dental Talk - A Member Blog Forum:
Come blog with us! Dental Talk with Savon is a fun forum to post your interesting topics! Your comments are welcome, it´s free to use and no membership is required.
Some of the topics include;
These are just a few of the topics. Our blog site contains many other interesting topics. Please join us!!
Here´s Your Answer
Questions From Our Members
M. Bosman of Seattle, Washington asks:
“I’m 22 years old and my dentist has diagnosed me with Papillon–Lefevre Syndrome. He said that it is a rare genetic disorder that I most likely inherited. Other than that, he was kind of vague. Can you shed any light on this and does Savon cover treatment for this?”
Savon’s Answer
Keeping in mind that we are not doctors, we did some research and this is what we found out about Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome (PLS).
PLS is a genetic disorder. PLS is a severe deficiency in an enzyme necessary to keep the connective tissues that support and connect the teeth healthy.
Without this enzyme, a person with PLS will slowly lose his/her teeth. This starts with baby teeth by age four and adult teeth by early teens.
Treatment with antibiotics has been known to slow the process. But, typically, those with PLS will opt to have any remaining teeth removed in their teens and be fitted for dentures.
With newer dental options, implants may be a consideration but this course of treatment will depend on the remaining bone structure after extractions.
Of course, the treatment for this disorder is typically performed by a specialist and if you utilize a network specialist, you will receive a 25% discount.
Tooth Talk With Tommy The Wisdom Tooth
Dislike Of Vegetables May Have To Do With Kids’ Saliva
A direct reprint from an article in DrBiscuspid.com
Children’s dislike of raw cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and cabbage, may be connected to the salivary production of high levels of sulfur volatiles, according to research published on September 22 in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
Furthermore, children and their parents produced similar levels of the unpleasant sulfurous odors, indicating they may share oral microbiomes, the authors wrote.
Cruciferous or Brassica vegetables contain the compound S–methyl–L–cysteine sulfoxide, which produces potent, sulfurous odors when triggered by an enzyme produced by bacteria in some people’s oral microbiomes.
Previous studies have shown that adults have different levels of this enzyme in their saliva. However, it has been unclear whether children also have different levels of the enzyme and if it affects their food preferences.
To identify the primary odor–active compounds in raw and steamed cauliflower and broccoli, the researchers used gas chromatography–olfactometry–mass spectrometry.
Next, they asked 98 pairs of parents and children (ages 6 to 8) to rate the main odor compounds. Dimethyl trisulfide was the least liked odor by children and adults. The researchers then mixed raw cauliflower powder with saliva samples and analyzed the volatile compounds produced.
Most often, children and their parents had similar levels of sulfur volatile production, which is likely explained by similar microbiomes. Children whose saliva produced high amounts of sulfur volatiles disliked raw Brassica vegetables the most. However, this was not the case in adults, indicating they may come to tolerate the taste over time.
Until next time; brush, floss and keep smiling!
The above material is provided as an information service and is not intended as medical advice.