May 2012 Newsletter

What´s New at Savon

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Quote Of The Month:   When somebody tells you nothing is impossible, ask them to dribble a football.   (Author Unknown)

Congratulations To:

R. Choulet of Glendale, Arizona  Winner of our April early payment drawing for 1 free additional year of membership.

Congratulations to our winner and thank you to everyone that entered the drawing.

Keeping Fit With Jourdin Hendershot:


Adult Eating Disorders

When we think of eating disorders we immediately think of primarily of young teenage girls.  These teenagers become anorexic or bulimic in an attempt to control what their bodies look like.  Lately doctors have noticed an upswing in the age group of women with eating disorders.  This new age group starts in the late twenties and seems to continue all the way through the forties.

Did you know that anorexia and bulimia can kill you faster than a mental illness?  It doesn't matter if you are a teenager or an adult, all ages run the risk of suffering from many complications such as: impaired brain function, decaying teeth, kidney failure, heart problems and many other medical and mental problems.

So what could possibly be triggering adult women to begin having eating disorders?  A women's body is supposed to change as she ages, or after having kids.  But times have changed and now more and more women want to be labeled as the term “MILF” and many of them want to look like they did at the age of 18.  Other things that can contribute to this problem with women can be; low-self esteem, feelings of worthlessness, thinking their lives are out of control and the misconception that in order to be happy they have to be thin.

Another reason women are developing eating disorders is the high divorce rate.  There are a lot of women back in the dating game and they believe the only way to find a guy is to be thin.

If you are struggling with or think you have an eating disorder, please seek medical help immediately.  There is no shame in getting help that you need, and it could lead to a longer, healthier life.

*Eating disorders CAN BE BEATEN!

If you have questions you would like to discuss with Jourdin, feel free to drop her an email by clicking here.

Grandma's Kitchen With Grandma C.:

Grandma C.

My Old Favorite Rocky Road Brownies (So Simple!)


  • 2 pkgs brownie mix

  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

  • 1 ½ cups mini marshmallows (frozen)

  • 1 cup chopped walnuts

Prepare brownie mix according to directions on the package. Fold in chocolate chips, marshmallows & chopped walnuts. Spread into a 13 X 9 greased pan. Transfer immediately to the oven, preheated to 350 degrees. Bake 35 to 40 minutes, test with a toothpick. If it comes out clean, they're done! Let cool completely before cutting.

Variations: You can also use mint chocolate chips, butterscotch chips or peanut butter chips!

  • Once you've folded in the marshmallows, be sure to put the mix in the oven quickly so they don't get a chance to thaw too much.

  • These are best when baked in a metal tends to make the brownies crunchy on the edges.

  • This is a double batch, so depending on your oven you may have to bake slightly longer than shown above.
If you have a recipe that you would like to share with Grandma C., drop her an email by clicking here.

To Your Health: with Meri Osborne


How To Eat Right And Stick To A Diet

So you want to start eating right, but you don‘t really know WHAT to eat.  Sound about right?

This is the number one reason why most people who start a diet, or commit themselves to healthier living, fail at achieving their goals.  Lack of information and knowledge.  There are millions of places you can go to learn about HOW to eat healthy, how to lose weight, how to feel better, etc.  But the problem is, you‘re likely to get a million different answers, opinions, diets, cheats, and so on.

Keep in mind that there is NO magic diet or pill that‘s going to give what you want.  You have to work for it.  And really, it‘s simple people.  If you want to lose weight, feel better in general, have more energy, have nicer skin and so forth, you MUST:  Exercise and Eat Right!

And that‘s it!!!  Not sure what to eat?  Here‘s a little cheat sheet for you!

Carbs - Doing the no-carb diet will definitely help you lose weight.  But it will definitely come back once you start eating them again.  Carbs are an important part of your diet, directly related to your metabolism and energy level.  Yes, some carbs are bad, but there is such thing as good carbs.  Shoot for whole grains when purchasing pasta and breads.  They are better for you have offer more nutritional value.

Protein - This is essential to proper weight loss and is also related to your energy levels.  Eating red meat such as steak and hamburger isn‘t bad, but they are high in fat.  Stick to fish, poultry, nuts and eggs (be careful with this if you have high cholesterol).

Good Fat VS Bad Fat - Avoid items that are high in trans fat and/or saturated fat.  You want the good fat, found in plant oils, nuts, fish, etc.

Fiber - Essential for digestive health, its important to make sure you‘re getting your daily fiber.  Try a cereal made with whole grains, eat your vegetables and eat fruit!

Eating veggies and fruit - As stated above, these are great for your fiber fix, but it‘s also important to incorporate a healthy veggie or fruit with every meal.  Many vegetables and fruits are rich in nutrients that are essential to your over all health.  Green vegetables tend to be best for those with a lot of weight to lose, but even vegetables like garlic and onion have major antioxidant benefits.

Calcium - Milk, of course, is the obvious source but not necessarily the best.  Yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese in general…  All of these are great sources of calcium.

Water - Water is the BEST thing you can drink.  The more you drink the better.

Vitamins - Taking a daily multi vitamin is greatly beneficial.  Where you might be lacking a specific nutrient in your diet, a multi-vitamin will help pick up the slack.  And because your body will only absorb what it needs, you won‘t be getting TOO much.

Eating the right foods and portions, and exercising is all it takes!  And don‘t forget to drink your water!!!  Happy Bikini Season Everyone!

The above health material is provided as an information service.  It should not be used for diagnostic purposes nor is it intended to take the place of the important relationship between you and your doctor.

News You Can Use:  News From Inside Your Dental Plan

Plan Fraud - A Growing Concern

One of our biggest challenges in recent months is the abuse of dental plan privileges by both non-contracted doctors and cancelled members.  This costs you, as a plan provider, as well as Savon in lost business.

More and more, we are hearing from members about dental facilities advising them that they accept Savon when in fact they are not credentialed providers.  We understand the motive for these practices is purely financial, however, we feel that it is unethical and we have an obligation to you, our providers and our members to do everything within our power to bring this practice to a halt.  Moreover, we know that our greatest obligation is to link our members with plan providers.  This is what we do and it‘s what makes Savon so successful.

We have also encountered members who were previously cancelled attempting to use the plan benefits without renewing their plan membership.  The most effective way of stopping this unscrupulous practice has been with the aid of the few dental facilities that routinely verify eligibility to make sure the patient is an active member of Savon.  Remember if the member is not current, you, as providers are giving a discount to someone that is not entitled to it.  Plainly said, you are throwing money away.

To that end, we would like to suggest some guidelines to follow.

Providers, you can help do your part to prevent plan fraud by following these simple steps:
  1. Proudly display your Savon window sticker where it can be easily seen.

  2. Verify that the member has a card with a current expiration date or

  3. Verify that the member is listed on your roster with a current expiration date or

  4. Call our office (602) 841-3494 to obtain member status prior to their appointment - (Recommended way).
Members, please remember that Savon can guarantee benefits ONLY if you are seeing a Network Preferred Provider.

To ensure that you are using a plan provider, you can:
  1. Visit to view and print a current listing of plan providers in your area or

  2. Contact our Customer Care Center at 800-841-3494 for assistance in locating a provider in your area.

  3. When making an appointment with any provider, ask them if they are providers with Savon.  When visiting the provider, look for a sticker on display with the Savon Dental Plan logo on it.  If there isn‘t one, call our office prior to your appointment!   Just because they say they accept Savon, doesn‘t mean that they are credentialed providers for Savon.
To both the provider and the member, please remember this line…  •   IF IN DOUBT, CHECK IT OUT!   •

Fun Facts:

Crazy, Zany Facts We Bet You Didn't Know

  • May Day is a public holiday in many parts of the world

  • In pre-Christian times, May 1 was seen as the first day of summer

  • In Hawaii, May 1 is known as Lei Day, a day for celebrating Hawaiian culture

  • The Empire State Building opened on May 1, 1931. President Hoover pressed the button which turned on the lights.

  • The Hindenburg airship disaster happened on May 6, 1937

  • On May 14, 1796 Edward Jenner gave the first vaccination against smallpox

  • Charles Lindbergh made a the first transatlantic solo flight in May of 1927

  • Israel became an independent nation on May 14, 1948
Come back for more in next months issue!

Dental Talk - A Member Blog Forum:


Come blog with us!  Dental Talk with Savon is a fun forum to post your interesting topics!  Your comments are welcome, it‘s free to use and no membership is required.

Some of the topics include;

These are just a few of the topics.  Our blog site contains many other interesting topics.  Please join us!!

Insurance Insight: - With June Shaffer
from Arizona Life Lines

Understanding Insurance Language - Part Four Of An Eight Part Series

This is a continuation of our April 2012 series dealing with breaking down of some of the more commonly misunderstood phrases and definitions encountered in the search for adequate health coverage.  You may already be familiar with several, but please read on - some of these definitions go beyond the written word.
  • 100% OF COVERED CHARGES:  No carrier covers 100% of all charges.  The agent may say "We cover you 100%" but the policy or brochure probably says "100% of all eligible (or covered) charges."  There's a very big difference.

    What is an eligible or covered charge?  A policy will cover all charges it says are eligible; if it doesn't list them as eligible, it doesn't cover them.  If it doesn't list "Intensive Care", chances are it does not pay for intensive care.  If you go to a hospital which does not have semi-private rooms, and you have a private room but not intensive care, your policy will cover your room cost at a semi-private room rate.

  • SURGERY:  Most policies cover one primary surgeon and one assistant.  Numerous surgeries today may have more than one assistant surgeon.  Even a simple appendectomy will require an assistant surgeon (whose charge is usually 20-25% of the primary surgeon's charge, even if he only observes).  Make sure your policy covers multiple surgeons when necessary.

  • PREVENTIVE or ROUTINE CARE:  Many policies offer of preventive or wellness care (for things such as PAP smears, mammograms, prostate exams, childhood inoculations and physicals) at no charge.  If your policy went into effect prior to March 2010, you may not have these services provided free of chare; your plan may be grandfathered under the benefits that were offered at the time you enrolled.

  • RIDERS:  This can be an exclusion placed on your policy which renders the carrier non-liable for the payment of medical costs for certain body areas or conditions or treatment, as described above, OR it could be a supplement to the policy itself, such as an "Out-Patient Rider.”  If someone says "Don't worry, it's covered under the out-patient rider," ask to see a copy of the actual rider and then make sure a copy is left with you after you've made application - don't rely on "It will be sent with the policy."  Remember:  If it isn't on there, it isn't covered. 

    “Supplemental riders” for cancer, critical illness or life insurance usually aren‘t great bargains. Review them carefully and remember, cancer, stroke, heart and other critical illnesses should always be covered under a good policy as a standard part of the plan, not an optional rider.  Carriers offering these types of services through “riders” are often simply offering you cash compensation in the event of the diagnosis of certain diseases, not additional medical coverage.  A “maternity rider” does offer coverage for maternity.
Join us next month when we cover Maternity Benefits • Prescriptions • Pre-Certification • HMO, PPO, MCP, SO-SO • and Experimental Procedures

Savon Dental Plan Is Not Available For Purchase In The State Of Florida
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A Division of Savon Professional Services Inc.
Corporate Offices Located In Phoenix, Arizona  1-602-841-3494
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