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We Have The Answers To Your Prescription Card Question

Click on any question to get the answer

  1. What Pharmacies Participate?
  2. How do I use this discount card?
  3. Where do these discounts come from?
  4. Why is this free?
  5. Do I need to keep my card after I use it the first time?
  6. Is there a maximum use of the benefits?
  7. Is there a claim form to fill?
  8. Do you have a mail-order plan?
  9. Can I use this discount card with my deductible?
  10. Is there a pre-existing condition exclusion?
  11. Is this card HIPAA compliant
  12. How do I locate a participating provider in the network?
  13. How do I find which drugs are covered?
  14. How do I contact In Care RX?
  15. How do I contact Savon Dental Plan?
Or print your prescription card now!

What Pharmacies Participate?

This is a list of the Pharmacies Nationwide that participate in the plan.

  • Albertsons
  • CVS Pharmacy
  • Costco
  • Eckerd Drug
  • Fry's Drug
  • H-E-B
  • K-Mart Pharmacy
  • Kroger Pharmacies
  • Meijer Pharmacies Inc.
  • Publix Drug Stores
  • Randalls
  • Rite-Aid Pharmacy
  • Safeway Supermarkets
  • Target Pharmacies
  • Walgreens Drug Stores
  • Wal-Mart Pharmacies
  • Winn Dixie Pharmacies

How do I use this discount card?

Simply print this card and take it to any participating pharmacy for instant savings!

Where do these discounts come from?

These discounts come from a Pharmacy Discount Network.

Why is this free?

Due to our close relationship in the pharmaceutical industry, we can negotiate lower prices on behalf of our members!

Do I need to keep my card after I use it the first time?

No. After the pharmacist has stored your card information into their system, each time you return to the pharmacy your discount will automatically take place.

Is there a maximum use of the benefits?

No. Unlike insurance, utilization is encouraged because it directs traffic to participating provider locations. You and your family may use the benefits as many times as needed. There are no limitations on usage.

Do you have a mail-order plan?

No. Mail order offerings compete with pharmacies and we try to drive business to the pharmacies.

Is there a claim form to fill?

No. There are no claim forms or other paperwork to file.

Can I use this discount card with my deductible?

Provide your pharmacist with both your insurance card and this discount card and ask which one will save you the most money. If you have a high deductible our card will reduce the cost of your prescriptions, causing you to be farther from meeting your deductible. If you have any question please contact the Help Line at 800.286.9589.

Is there a pre-existing condition exclusion?

No. Unlike insurance, discount programs do not require personnel for claims adjudication, nor is there a necessity for cash reserves because there is no risk.

Is this card HIPAA compliant

InCareRx Free Prescription Discount Card is HIPAA compliant.  Patients Information is NEVER disclosed or sold to any third party, nor released to anyone for any purpose.

How do I locate a participating provider in the network?

There are two ways to locate participating providers.  You can do it online with the Pharmacy Finder or call the Help Line at 800-286-9589.

How do I find which drugs are covered?

There are two ways to find what drugs are covered and the cost of the drug.  You can do it online with the Drug Price Finder or call the Help Line at 800-286-9589.

How do I contact In Care RX?

You may contact In Care Rx in any of the following ways:

Office: 727-755-0563
Toll Free: 1-800-286-9589
Fax: 1-888-216-8672

Mailing Address
In Care RX, LLC
9113 Ridge Rd Ste. 45
New Port Richey, FL 34654-5059

Web Site

How do I contact Savon Dental Plan®?

You may contact us in any of the following ways:

Arizona  602-841-3494
Nationwide  1-602-841-3494
Fax 602-589-0417 available 24 hours a day

Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm MST
Friday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm MsT

Mailing Address
Savon Dental Plan
P.O. Box 54277
Phoenix, Arizona 85087-4277

Physical Address
Savon Professional Services Inc.
Savon Dental Plan
2737 E. Greenway Rd.
Phoenix, Arizona 85032

Customer Service

Savon Dental Plan Is Not Available For Purchase In The State Of Florida
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©Copyright 1998 - 2025. All rights reserved. Savon Dental Plan®
A Division of Savon Professional Services Inc.
Corporate Offices Located In Phoenix, Arizona  1-602-841-3494
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