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Savon Dental Plan BBB Business Review
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Benefits That Come Standard With All Savon Plans

  1. No Age Limits
  2. No Deductible
  3. No Claim Forms
  4. No Waiting Period
  5. No Limits to Visits
  6. No Prior Authorization Requirements
  8. Children 5 And Under Are Covered For FREE
  9. Fast Appointment Availability
  10. Most Comprehensive Fee Schedule Available
    (When using a Network Preferred Provider)
  • Unlisted procedures receive a 50% discount from the provider's own usual fee
  • Specialist services receive a 25% discount from the provider's own usual fee
  • Free Prescription Discount Card

PLUS - You receive these services at no charge

  • Office Visits
  • Initial Oral Examination (D0150)
  • Local Anesthetics (D9215)
  • Oral Hygiene Instruction (D1330)
  • Unlisted procedures receive a 50% discount from the provider's own usual fee
    (If you are being treated by a Network Preferred Provider and a procedure is not listed on our Schedule of Fees and Benefits, the provider will discount his/her own Usual and Customary Fee by 50%, minus and lab charges.

Savon has Specialists in all areas of dentistry, including:

  1. Network Preferred Orthodontists - braces
    (Network Preferred Orthodontists charge according to the Orthodontic section of the Schedule of Fees and Benefits.  Any procedure that is not listed on the Schedule will be charged at 25% off the Dentist's Usual and Customary Fee.)
  2. Network Orthodontists - braces
    (Network Orthodontists reduce their own Usual and Customary Fee by 25%)
  3. Periodontists - disease of the gums
  4. Oral Surgeons - wisdom tooth or major extractions
  5. Prosthodontists - bridges and dentures
  6. Pediatric Dentists - child treatment
  7. Endodontist - extensive root canals
When using the services of a specialist, members will receive a 25% discount from the provider's own usual fee.

If you are in need of the services of a Specialist you can feel confident that you will be treated by a highly trained professional and realize a 25% savings.

Prescription Discount Card

As a member of any of the Savon Dental Plans, you automatically receive a FREE membership in our Discount Pharmacy Club.  This may be used if you have no prescription coverage or if your health insurance does not cover a certain medication.  The discounts range from 14 to 90% at over 60,000 major chain pharmacies nationwide, including such trusted names as CVS®, Eckerd®, K-Mart®, Rite-Aid®, Wal-Mart®, Walgreens® and many more.

Since this is not insurance there are no claim forms to fill out,  You realize your discount at the time you make your purchase.

Why should I choose Savon Dental Plan® over any other dental plan?

Since 1992, Savon Dental Plan® has been a leader in the "reduced fee" industry.  We have seen many plans start up and then fail, leaving hundreds of people in the cold as far as any type of dental plan.  When this happens the members wind up losing a lot of money and the legitimate plans like Savon wind up with a "black eye".  In the end, the consumer (you) becomes very leery of every dental plan.  Savon Dental Plan®has been a member of the BBB® since 1992.  We have never had a complaint filed against us that has not been resolved immediately.  We back up our product with 4 distinct guarantees:
  • A 30 day conditional money back guarantee--  All applications carry a conditional 30 day money back guarantee from the day the application is submitted.  If you visit a Network Preferred Provider and find that you do not realize the savings that we promise according to the Fee Schedule for your State and Savon Dental Plan® cannot rectify the error, Savon Dental Plan® will refund your membership fee.

    Please Note: If you are unhappy with the Network Preferred Provider that you have chosen, or you disagree with the treatment plan that has been presented to you, you may select another provider or contact our Customer Care Center for assistance in obtaining a second opinion.  To request a refund under this guarantee, send us a copy of your treatment plan and/or paid itemized statement.  Our provider relations will review the fees and if the fees are in excess of the fee schedule, a credit for the difference will be issued by the Network Preferred Provider or a refund of your membership dues, minus the processing fee, will be issued by Savon.  Dissatisfaction with the provider is not a consideration under this guarantee.

  • A "We Pay The Difference Guaranteed Fee Schedule"--  If you visit a Network Preferred Provider and you are charged more than the fee allowed on the fee schedule for your zone, send or fax a copy of your paid receipt to Savon Dental Plan® and we will get the overcharge refunded or credited to your account or Savon will refund you the difference between the scheduled fee and the fee that you were charged.

  • The Best Membership Rate Guarantee in the Industry--  Your enrollment rate is guaranteed for 2 years (based on a 1 year plan) or 4 years (based on a 2 year plan) Not to exceed 4 years.  Lapsed memberships may result in increased rates and/or a minimum reinstatement fee of $25.00 may be charged.

  • Guaranteed Lowest "Facility" fee--  In the rare event that a Network Preferred Provider's Usual and Customary Fee is lower than the fee listed on the Schedule of Fees and Benefits for that state, our Network Preferred Provider will charge you the lower of the two prices.
When choosing any dental plan it is very important to do your homework.  Nothing we tell you can replace the value of a well informed buyer.  We STRONGLY suggest that you check with the Better Business Bureau in your area before joining any plan.  Some States already require that our companies be registered with the State before doing business (i.e.: Florida and Nevada) and other States are joining that list.  Savon Dental Plan® endorses this type of regulation and we hope that it helps eliminate these "scam plans" Nationwide.

Savon Dental Plan Is Not Available For Purchase In The State Of Florida
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This is not dental insurance and is not intended to replace insurance.
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©Copyright 1998 - 2025. All rights reserved. Savon Dental Plan®
A Division of Savon Professional Services Inc.
Corporate Offices Located In Phoenix, Arizona  1-602-841-3494
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